Top 5 common questions among new bloggers and their answers.
blogging is the easiest way of spreading news without spending a huge amount of money. with a blog, you can be heard and also draw attention to yourself. many people especially the youth want to start a blog, that's a good idea though because with a blog you can make some money for yourself, and you know what that means... financial independent.

before starting a blog there is five question you need to ask yourself, answering this questions will make you a successful blogger.
1.why should I start a blog? having the idea of starting a blog is a good one but before you continue I want you to take a pause and ask yourself this question. why should I start a blog? believe me or not the truth remains that many people have different reasons for are some of the reasons.
- They want to communicate to people.
- They want to market their product.
- They want to improve their writing skills.
- They want to share their new found skills to others.
- They want to teach others about certain things. it can be health or for educational purpose.
- They want to make some money, which is common among bloggers.
- They just blog to have fun.
2.what should I blog about? After answering the first question, the next question that follows is your niche. what you should blog about. you can't just start a blog without knowing your niche. every blogger has his or her own niche. before choosing your niche you should first consider your talent, I mean what you are good at because all human are gifted with different talents. so take your time and think of what you are good at, do you love playing football, Game? can you fix a broken android phone/laptop? can you solve Android/PC software problems? are you good in narrating stories? can you gossip? start a blog base on your knowledge and you will never lack what to give your audience.
Knowing what you are good at will make you avoid one of the common mistakes among newbie bloggers. they will look at the top successful bloggers, their niche, and even the template they used for their blog, then the next step they will take is to copy their niche, download their template and use it to create their own blog. that's why we have a lot of ctrl+c and ctrl+v bloggers all over the internet. when you copy others people niche and you run out of idea on what to post you will definitely copy their post and that makes you copy and paste blogger. soon you will get frustrated because search engine won't recognize your blog and that will bring you zero traffic.
- Submit your sitemap to Google console
- Write a good content
- Share it on forums, social media and on emails.
- Keep updating your blog.
- Don't copy other people's blog post but when you do, remember to link back to them.
- Establish good backlink.
- Always link back to your older post, this will increase your page view.
- Have subscription box on your blog. this will allow you to keep in touch with your visitors.
- Open a Facebook fan page. can I make money on my blog? making money is a common goal among bloggers. yes, every hard work deserves a reward. if you are blogging for fun, you are on your own but, if your first reason of blogging is to make some money then you are with me. honestly, the way things are now every living soul need to struggle to survive. blogging as some belief is not an easy way to make money, and it's not for the lazy one. to make money on your blog you need patient and perseverance. allow your blog to grow first before you monetize it. here are some few ways to make money on your blog.
- Affiliate Marketing.
- Google Adsense.
- Rendering Services.
- Sponsored Post. can I be successful? making money on your blog does not make you a successful blogger. I know of someone who used to make up to $1000 a month, but today his blog is no longer in existence, now will you call such a person a successful blogger? not at all. been successful is the dream of every blogger, that is why is good for you to answer the four questions above, set a goal and always remind yourself of that goal, this will keep you active and will make you stand alone. in conclusion
- Be yourself, don't copy others but learn from them.
- Blog about what you know not what he know.
- Before you think of quitting blog remember this famous quote, A winner never quite, A loser never loose.
- Never give up.
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